About the Author

Josiah Hester headshot

I hold the Allchin Chair and am an Associate Professor of Interactive Computing and Computer Science at Georgia Tech. I was previously at Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor. I broadly work in sustainable computing, specifically intermittent, battery-free, and energy-efficient embedded computing systems. I apply my work to health wearables, interactive devices, and large-scale sensing for sustainability and conservation, supported by 20+ grants worth over $46 million ($10 million as PI) from the NSF, NIH, Department of Defense, and others. I was named a Sloan Fellow in Computer Science, won my NSF CAREER, and a VMware Early Career Grant in 2022. I was named one of Popular Science's Brilliant Ten and won a 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award in 2021. My work has received seven Best Paper type Awards and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, BBC, and many other international media.

I am Native Hawaiian, and my family has been active in Indigenous rights and Hawaiian sovereignty for the past century. We are dancers, musicians, entertainers, lawyers, builders, nurses, military personnel, and even computer scientists. We originally hail from the Island of Hawaii (Big Island) on the Kohala coast, where we lived for many centuries before scattering across the islands.